
Drawbacks of linux

Linux is a growing operating system adding more and more users to its user base each year. It is a fabulous operating system and a great alternative to Windows and Mac. But its increasing popularity also demands that it keep changing and upgrading with new technology. Like every other operating system, Linux also got its ups and downs. But is it worth using Linux when professional operating systems like Windows and Mac are skyrocketing? this article will discuss about biggest disadvantages of linux:- *No standard edition *Hard Learning Curve *Lack of proprietary software *Difficult to troubleshoot *Poor support for games *Unsupported Hardware *Lack of technical support 1. No standard edition *Instead of one single edition like Windows and Mac, Linux has several community-developed editions called Distro or distributions. *This often confuses newbies. Choosing a standard Linux operating system for use is pretty difficult for beginners. * *No standard edition also means that th